Popsicles are a great way to beat the heat this summer.

They’re a fun and easy snack for kids to prepare that doesn’t heat up the kitchen or make a lot of mess.

Try these Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles for a fun take on some favorite summer flavors.

Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles

With the hotter temps, I have been wanting to make popsicles for afternoon snacking.

I’ve been telling the kids that I would since last summer.

For some reason I never made it happen last year.

I was determined to stay true to my word this year.

When I was trying to decide what recipe to make I was reminded of these Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles.

I’m also hoping to get a few more popsicle experiments in before school starts so that we can test out some new recipes.

But, for now a tried and true favorite seems like a good place to start.

Plus, it is always fun to snap a few new photos of a recipe that has been on the blog for a while.

Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles were one of our favorite recipes to make a few years back.

I love how they are fruity but they’re a soft and creamy popsicle, rather than icy.

It makes it feel a little bit more like a dessert than just a snack!

Our town puts on a firework show on July 3 (some of you might remember that Kevin and I got engaged during the firework show 2 years ago!).

We’re having friends over tonight for a BBQ, and I’ll be serving Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles for the kids for dessert.

Also on the menu: Smoked Ribs, Potato Salad, Watermelon Lemonade, and Grilled Brussels Sprouts.

After dinner and dessert, we’ll be heading over to the golf course to watch the firework show with our friends.

Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles images and recipe


We like to have a few flavor options stashed in the freezer to choose from.

By removing the popsicles from the popsicle mold it frees up the Reusable Popsicle Mold  so we can make another flavor before the ones we just made are all gone.

How do you store homemade popsicles? It is easier than you might think!

1. Prepare your popsicles according to the recipe instructions.

2. Remove the popsicles from the mold, if you are using one.

Tip for removing popsicles from their molds:

It helps to run warm water along the outside of the mold to dislodge any stubborn popsicles from the container.

Just don’t use too hot of water or do this for too long because you don’t want to risk melting the popsicles too much.

3. The popsicles might be slightly softened after removing, especially if you had to run warm water on the outsides of the mold.

To remedy this, place them on a parchment lined cookie sheet or other freezer-safe flat surface.

Re-freeze the popsicles for 5-15 minutes, until they are completely hard again.

Otherwise you might end up with a bunch of popsicles all stuck together inside your bag.

4. Remove the popsicles from the freezer safe sheet and place them in a freezer zip top bag that has been labeled with the flavor and the date.

Store for up to a month, if they last that long!

Who am I kidding?

They’ll probably last about a day in my house with all 4 kids around during the summer.

Try this quick tip from Jessica for removing air from storage bags to prevent freezer burn.

Note: For popsicles made in dixie cups, just stash the popsicles in the dixie cup in a labeled freezer zip top bag.

Then remove the cup before eating.

Creamy Strawberry Lemonade Popsicles images and recipe